P r o d u c t s
Analytical CRM platform
Our analytical CRM development contains basic features such as:
  • Setting up any model of communication with customers (within micro and macro segments)
  • Scheduling and full automation of communication with customers in any channel (mobile app, contact center, chats, SMS and e-mail, etc.)
  • Logging and historization of the whole interaction with clients, including their responses, actions and other detailed data.
We possess a range of market know-how taking customer interaction to a new level.

Generally, in our system operation and development, we focus on the development of AI and the options of quick CRM strategies set-up, since automation already has been base-line for many systems.
BNPL platform
Our platform for organizing BNPL services features:
  • Embedding an online widget for installments payments in online stores.
  • Integrating back office and CRM with all customer journey stages, including gamification (mobile app and web interface, installed button (for installment payments within e-commerce).
  • Working with online and physical cards.
  • Integrating with various scoring systems (own scoring mechanics).
B2B marketplace platform
We offer a 3 click merchant lending.
  • The platform provides for assessing the counterparties’ financial position by collecting data from accounting systems and business applications, providing real-time smart analytics.
  • We can deploy a BPM platform for a separate marketplace, or create a solution for a lending institution that will independently evaluate marketplace merchants and issue loans. Our team has collected competencies for bringing merchants to marketplaces with subsequent promotion and options of creating scoring systems for SME.
BPM retail credit loan workflow (CLWF)
We offer a platform and proficient team for building lending processes for retail banks, including consumer lending, credit cards, car loans, mortgage.
  • Unique product—a single credit limit.
  • Full-featured omnichannel platform.
  • Online management of credit products, credit models and scoring.
  • Built on Camunda—the open BPM platform.
  • Implemented in the largest CIS banks.